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Learn about Joystick:bit V2

Course Description

In this lesson we will take a brief look at the features and use of Joystick:bit V2.

Lesson Preparation


Joystick:bit V2

2 x #7 batteries


USB cable

joystick:bit V21
AAA battery2Prepare Yourself
USB Cable1
micro:bit1Prepare Yourself
PC1Prepare Yourself

Introduction to Joystick:bit V2

Joystick:bit V2 is a micro:bit based gamepad. It includes a 4-direction joystick and 4 undefined buttons. It is also paired with a buzzer and vibration motor to enhance the gaming experience. It is compact in appearance, comfortable in hand and can be remotely controlled.

Introduction to Functional Modules


X&Y are respectively connected to the P1 and P2 interfaces of the micro: bit.

Coordinate information of X&Y.


The passive buzzer is connected to the P0 interface of the micro: bit.

Vibration motor

The vibration motor is connected to the P16 interface.


The C, D, E, and F buttons connect to the micro:bit's P12, P13, P14, and P15 ports accordingly.

Quick Start


The joystick:bit will be assembled.

Programming platforms

We usually use graphical programming platform makecode to program the micro:bit.

Programming platform entry:

Create a new project

Open [

Create a new project

Enter the project name and click Create.

After entering the editor interface, we can see Micro: bit Simulator, Toolbox,Workspace.

Add software library

Click on "Extensions" in the Toolbox of the makecode programming interface.

To program joysticks: bit, we need to add a software library for joysticks: bit. Please enter 'joypicksbit' in the search bar, press enter, and select the software library to add joypicks: bit.

Software Blocks Explanation

Set controller vibrationParameter 1: natural number
Get the return value of the joystick X-axis or Y-axisParameter 1: drop-down options
Options: X-axis, Y-axis
When the specified button is in the set state, run the internal programParameter 1: Drop-down options
Options: C, D, E, F
Parameter 2: Drop-down options
Options: Press, Release
Determine the button statusParameter 1: Drop-down options
Options: C, D, E, F
Initialize the handle

Sample program

Sample Program:

You can also download the program directly from the following page.

### How do I download a program to the micro:bit?

Use a USB cable to connect your PC to the micro:bit V2.

After a successful connection, a disk drive named MICROBIT is recognized on the computer.

Click on the bottom left corner of the,Select Connect Device.



Select BBC micro:bit CMSIS-DAP in the pop-up window and then select Connect, and at this point, our micro:bit has connected successfully.

Click to download the program.


Press the C button of the joystick, the micro:bit LED matrix displays the return value of the X-axis of the current joystick and the joystick vibrates for 500ms, press the E button of the joystick, the micro:bit LED matrix displays the return value of the Y-axis of the current joystick and the joystick vibrates for 500ms.