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Case 48:The Walking Robot


Build a walking robot with the Nezha Inventor's Kit.

Quick to Start

Materials Required

Nezha Inventor's Kit


Components List

Build it as the assembly steps suggest:

Connection Diagram

Connect the motors to M1 on Nezha Breakout Board.

MakeCode Programming

Step 1

Click "Advanced" in the MakeCode drawer to see more choices.

For programming Nezha Breakout Board, we need to add a package. Search with "Nezha" in the dialogue box and click to download it.

Notice: If you met a tip indicating that some codebases would be deleted due to incompatibility, you may continue as the tips say or create a new project in the menu.

Step 2

Code as the picture suggests



You may also download it directly:


After pressing button A, the robot moves forward. After pressing button B, the robot stops moving.