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Case 38:The Mechanical Springtail


Build a mechanical springtail with the Nezha Inventor's Kit.

Quick to Start

Materials Required

Nezha Inventor's Kit


Components List

Build it as the assembly steps suggest:

Connection Diagram

Connect the motor to M1 on Nezha Breakout Board.

MakeCode Programming

Step 1

Click "Extensions'' in the MakeCode drawer to see more choices.

For programming Nezha Breakout Board, we need to add a package. Search with "Nezha" in the dialogue box and click to download it.

Notice: If you met a tip indicating that some codebases would be deleted due to incompatibility, you may continue as the tips say or create a new project in the menu.

Step 2

Code as the picture suggests



You may also download it directly:



Press button A and the mechanical springtail crawls forward, press button B and the mechanical springtail stops moving.


Why do we install tires on the mechanical springtail's arms, and what will happen if we don't?


Modify your own mechanical springtail and hold races.