Smart Science IoT Kit
ELECFREAKS Smart Science IoT Kit is developed based on loT:Bit,a new breakout board compatible with science sensors such as theultrasonic sensor, dust sensor, light sensor and water level sensor,.including RTC Timing and WIFI module. You can gather data via thesensors and send data to the cloud with more stable and accuratedata analysis.
📄️ Chapter 1: User Guide for SmartIoT Platform
📄️ Lesson 4: Iot kit with Thingspeak platform and IFTTT platform to create temperature alarms
How to Send Temperature Threshold Alarm Emails via IFTTT
📄️ How to Adapt to the HiveMQ Platform
HiveMQ is an MQTT broker and client-based messaging platform designed to move data to and from connected IoT devices quickly, efficiently and reliably.
📄️ iot:kit case01:Air quality monitoring
Our goal
📄️ iot:kit case02: Environmental noise detection
Our goal
📄️ iot:kit case03: An environmental quality monitoring station
Our goal
📄️ iot:kit case04: An automatic irrigation detection
Our goal
📄️ iot:kit case05: A self defense monitoring station
Our goal
📄️ The third part: Use IoT and Excel to make date visualized.
Excel and micro:bit Hacking for fun and creativity!
📄️ The first part: Upload the data collected by IoT kit to the Thingspeak IoT platform.
ThingSpeak can deal with HTTP request, save and process data. This platform has function as open application, realtime data collection, location data, data processing, visualization, device status information and plugin. It can integrate many hardwares and software platforms like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ioBridge/、Electic lmp, mobile & internet application, social network and MATLAB data processing. It also porvide hosted service apart from open source edition.
📄️ iot:kit Introduction
Required materials
📄️ Safety instructions
Before operating the Smart Science IoT Kit, please read and familiarize yourself with the following precautions for use. Users should strictly follow all precautions and ensure that the Smart Science IoT Kit is properly assembled and in proper working condition.