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Little heroes (dodging monsters)


Set up enemies that target the player.

Materials Requested

1 x ELECFREAKS Retro Makecode Arcade For Education



Microsoft makecode


Set when the genie touches the plants on the road, the game will fail, when the genie reaches the end of the gem, the game gets winning, the game will be every two seconds randomly refresh a monster to attack the little hero, the initial life value of 3, when the monster attack to life value -1, when the life value to zero, the game failed.




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You may download it directly below:

Program Download

Please see the documentation for the program download: Program Download Method


You can control the elf by key to move horizontally in the custom scene, and jump, when the trap is encountered, the game is over, when the elf reaches the end of the gem, the game is won, the game will be every two seconds randomly refresh a monster to attack the little hero, the initial life value of 3, when attacked by the monster life value -1, when the life value to zero, the game failed.