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Quick Start

Power supply method

Note: The Arduino 3 in 1 breakout board requires a battery pack and cable.

Switching method

After connecting the power supply, push the switch to ON to turn on the power.

Power indicator status

The power indicator lights green when there is sufficient power.

When the power is low, the power indicator lights up red.

Hardware connection method

All sensor connections are RJ11 type with error-proof and plug-proof design, simplifying hardware connections and making classroom teaching easier.

Preparation for Programming and Sample Projects

Download and Install Arduino IDE

The latest version of Arduino IDE is released from the official website:, download by the system of your computer.


Software Programming

Download the libraries for Nezha-A master board
Download the subsidiary libraries for Nezha-A master board
Open Arduino IDE, and choose tools- Board-Arduino Uno.

Connect Nezha-A master board with the computer via the type-c cable.
Click tools- port, and set the connections.
Click on Project - Load Library - Add .Click.
Select and add the libraries.
In the same way, import the subsidiary libraries of

Hardware Connections

Connect the motors and servos to M1, M2, S1, and S2 accordingly.



Sample 1: Control the servos and motors

#include <NezhaA.h>

NezhaA nezhaA; //Create an instance of the NezhaA class

void setup() {
nezhaA.begin(); //Initiliaze the buzzer, motor and light

void loop() {
nezhaA.setMotorSpeed(M1, 60); //Set the speed of the motors as percentage in the scope of -100~+100
nezhaA.setMotorSpeed(M2, 60);
nezhaA.setServoAngle(S1, 180); //Set the angles of the servo
delay((2) * 1000);
nezhaA.setServoAngle(S2, 180);
delay((2) * 1000);
nezhaA.setServoAngle(S1, 0);
delay((2) * 1000);
nezhaA.setServoAngle(S2, 0);
delay((2) * 1000);

Click file-save to save the file.

Set the save routine, give it a name and click save.
Click the upload button to upload the program to the Nezha-A master box.


After powering on, the two motors start driving and the servos drive to the angle as we set in turn.

Sample 2: Play melody

#include <NezhaA.h>

NezhaA nezhaA; //Create an instance of the NezhaA class

void setup() {
nezhaA.begin(); //Initiliaze the buzzer, motor, servo and light
nezhaA.setTempo(60); //Set the speed of playing melody via buzzer
nezhaA.tone(262, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25)); //Set notes and beats of melody
nezhaA.tone(0, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25)); //Set to stop the buzzer
nezhaA.tone(294, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(0, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(330, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(0, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(349, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(0, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(392, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(0, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(440, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(0, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(494, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(0, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(523, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(0, nezhaA.beatsToMS(0.25));
nezhaA.tone(400, 2000); //Set the frequency and time for playing buzzer

void loop() {


When the power is turned on, the buzzer plays a note.

Sample 3: Light-controlled lamps

#include <NezhaA.h>

NezhaA nezhaA; //Create an instance of the NezhaA class

void setup() {
nezhaA.begin(); //Initialize buzzer, motor, servo, light

void loop() {
if ((nezhaA.getLightSensor()) < 50) { //Determine if the return value of the photosensitive sensor is less than 50
nezhaA.showRGB(108, 30, 187); //Set the values of R, G and B of the LED
} else {
nezhaA.clearRGB(); //Clear lighting effects


Automatically turns the lights on or off according to the ambient light intensity.

Sample 4: Voice-controlled lamps

#include <NezhaA.h>

NezhaA nezhaA; //Create an instance of the NezhaA class

void setup() {
nezhaA.begin(); //Initialize buzzer, motor, servo, light

void loop() {
if ((nezhaA.getNoiseSensor()) > 100) { //Determine if the return value of the noise sensor is over 100
nezhaA.showRGB(108, 30, 187); //Set the values of R, G and B of the LED
delay((2) * 1000); //Delay time 1000ms
} else {
nezhaA.clearRGB(); //Clear lighting effects


Automatically turn on or off the lights according to the noise level of the surrounding environment.