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Functions introduction to the bricks

BasicDrive the car at full speed.
Reverse at full speed.
Set the speed of both wheels with the range from -100~100
Set the left or right wheel or all wheels to stop turning
Obtain the speed of rotation of the left or right wheel (cm/s)
Get the rotation angle of the left or right wheel
Clear the acquired rotation angle of the left or right wheel
HeadlightsSet the colour of the left and right RGB lights as the preset colour
Set the colour of the left and right RGB lights display
Turn off all the headlights
Four-WayGet the current status value of the four line following sensors
Get the current status of the four line following sensors
Get four line following sensor offsets
Get the status of a channel of a four-way line following sensor
Get the grayscale value of a channel of a four-way line following sensor
HC-SR04Get the return value of the ultrasonic sensor
PIDContrlSet wheel speed (speed range 20 to 50 cm/s)
Set the trolley forward or backward a specified distance (in cm, inches, wheel rotation angle)
Set the steering method and steering angle of the trolley
Set the square side lengths ((in cm, inches))
Set the trolley to travel several squares forward
IRservoExecution of the internal program when an infrared signal is received
Identify whether a button on an infrared remote control has been pressed
ExtendinterfaceSet the speed of the extended motor (-100 to 100)
Setting the extended motor to stop rotating
Set the maximum rotation angle using the servo as well as the access port and rotation angle
Set the access port and speed of the continuous rotation servo
otherGet the current firmware version number of the cart