Introduction of Ring:bit car V2
The ELECFREAKS Ring:bit Car is a small DIY smart car driven by the BBC micro:bit and the ELECFREAKS Ring:bit. The Ring:bit extends the micro:bit's 3 GPIO ports and allow for different sensors and components to be easily attached to the micro:bit. A basic Ring:bit Car can be easily programmed to run autonomously, with a remote control, and even create rainbow beacons of light. Just add one of the many extensions available and your Ring:bit Car can do even more things like line and light following, obstacle avoiding, drawing and more!
📄️ Ring:bit Python Samples
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📄️ Introduction
Introduction of Ring:bit car 2
📄️ Rainbow LED module
📄️ ring:bit car v2 accelerometer arithmetic
- Accelerometer arithmetic of the Ring:bit car
📄️ Ring:bit Car Assembly Step
Ring:bit car 2 Components Lists
📄️ case 01 Full speed ahead
Our Goal
📄️ case 02 Make a shape
Our Goal
📄️ case 03 Turn at an angle
Our Goal
📄️ case 04 Here comes the police
Our Goal
📄️ case 05 Crazy dance
Our Goal
📄️ case 06 Remote Control
Our Goal
📄️ case 07 Turns over Detection
Our Goal
📄️ case 08 Light Follow
Our Goal
📄️ case 09 Remote Control by an accelerometer
Our Goal
📄️ Case 10 Smart Crashproof Car
📄️ Case 11: Control the Ring:bit Car with the Joystick:bit
📄️ Ring:bit Blocks Info
Add Packages
📄️ Line flow module
📄️ Sonar:bit
📄️ Ring:bit Introduction
Expansion Board of Ring:bit car 2
📄️ Safety Instructions
Please read and familiarize yourself with the following precautions before operating the Microbit car. The user should strictly observe all precautions and ensure that the Microbit car is properly assembled and in proper working condition.